Thursday, August 20, 2020


First of all, we would like to thank everyone for the great feedback on the premiere issue...and, correct a typo! The ‘Thank you to Roger Yant’ should have read ‘Buy Local Buy Nebraska’. Again, many thanks to him for his support and advice! 

And secondly, a huge shout-out to Susan Shemitis Goldberg, Copy & Content Editor and Contributor, whose tireless dedication, creative mind, and love of fonts have been invaluable to the magazine. Her contributions have included photos, haiku, drawings, and her regular social commentary, I’m Against It.

Wow... getting out the first issue proved to be quite a task! While nearly eight months in the making, it’s been a humbling experience. But, the response overwhelmingly positive. The biggest lesson learned... now we know, there’s a lot more to learn! In the coming issues we will continue to highlight the lives of women, showcase their talents, share stories of community interest, and strive to provide inspiration for harmounious living.

We would also like to thank our advertisers, without whom The Source would not be possible. Please patronize them and let them know you saw them in the magazine. We’d also love to hear what other features you’d like to see. And remember, as always, we accept submissions from women writers, artists and photographers. 

This year has been quite a journey for everyone and though we don’t know what the new year will hold, we do know that we are all in this together. As we too learn to cope with the pandemic and its effect on our lives and businesses, we must take a brief hiatus. So, following this issue, we will return with a re-launch early next year with renewed hope and spirit.

Until then, may you and yours stay well.

All my best,


The Source is currently not in publication following the Jan-Feb-March 2021 issue.  Please follow us on Facebook  @lincolnsource .