Wednesday, January 27, 2021

The Source is currently not in publication following the Jan-Feb-March 2021 issue. 

Please follow us on Facebook @lincolnsource.

Monday, January 4, 2021


Happy New Year!

While the first issue of 2021 is online, we remain hopeful that we can all get back to normal (and in print!) in the coming months. Until then, we will continue an online presence.

As we all put a difficult year behind us, we begin the new year with Advice From a Tree by Ilan Shamir.

Dear Friend,

Stand Tall and Proud

Sink your roots deeply into the Earth

Reflect the light of a greater source

Think long term

Go out on a limb

Remember your place among all living beings

Embrace with joy the changing seasons

For each yields its own abundance

The Energy and Birth of Spring

The Growth and Contentment of Summer

The Wisdom to let go of leaves in the Fall

The Rest and Quiet Renewal of Winter

Feel the wind and the sun

And delight in their presence

Look up at the moon that shines down upon you

And the mystery of the stars at night.

Seek nourishment from the good things in life

Simple pleasures

Earth, fresh air, light

Be content with your natural beauty

Drink plenty of water

Let your limbs sway and dance in the breezes

Be flexible

Remember your roots

Enjoy the view!

We wish you all the best, stay well.


Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Here's a sneak peek at the cover of the January online issue... featuring Peace Dove, photography by Susan Shemitis Goldberg along with art, photography, short stories, feature articles, community, astrology, health, nature and more.

Monday, November 30, 2020

The Source is FAB.....F(or), A(bout) and B(y) women!

We are Lincoln's social magazine for women. We strive to highlight the lives of local women, showcase their talents, share stories of community interest, and provide inspiration for harmonious living. We encourage submissions from women writers, artists and photographers. 

Follow us on Facebook @lincolnsource

Wednesday, November 18, 2020


We love hearing from readers, here are just a few of the comments...

“I read it from cover to cover in one sitting and thoroughly enjoyed it!” -Mary H.

“I like your publication’s warm focus on developing “the thinking, feeling inner you” - vs. a business/fashion/beauty emphasis. The Source is a magazine I happily read cover to cover and felt good about spending my time with it.” - Lori V.

“I LOVE LOVE LOVE The Source.  I especially love the wonderful amount of content!” -Lou C.

“Love how your dream now supports other women! Well done!” -Beverly A.

Thursday, August 20, 2020


First of all, we would like to thank everyone for the great feedback on the premiere issue...and, correct a typo! The ‘Thank you to Roger Yant’ should have read ‘Buy Local Buy Nebraska’. Again, many thanks to him for his support and advice! 

And secondly, a huge shout-out to Susan Shemitis Goldberg, Copy & Content Editor and Contributor, whose tireless dedication, creative mind, and love of fonts have been invaluable to the magazine. Her contributions have included photos, haiku, drawings, and her regular social commentary, I’m Against It.

Wow... getting out the first issue proved to be quite a task! While nearly eight months in the making, it’s been a humbling experience. But, the response overwhelmingly positive. The biggest lesson learned... now we know, there’s a lot more to learn! In the coming issues we will continue to highlight the lives of women, showcase their talents, share stories of community interest, and strive to provide inspiration for harmounious living.

We would also like to thank our advertisers, without whom The Source would not be possible. Please patronize them and let them know you saw them in the magazine. We’d also love to hear what other features you’d like to see. And remember, as always, we accept submissions from women writers, artists and photographers. 

This year has been quite a journey for everyone and though we don’t know what the new year will hold, we do know that we are all in this together. As we too learn to cope with the pandemic and its effect on our lives and businesses, we must take a brief hiatus. So, following this issue, we will return with a re-launch early next year with renewed hope and spirit.

Until then, may you and yours stay well.

All my best,


Tuesday, August 4, 2020

JULY/AUGUST 2020 ISSUE... click to view

Hello and welcome to the first issue of The Source! 
This publication was formerly in print as Stiletto and thanks to the generosity of long-time, local publisher, Roger Yant (Buy Local Buy Nebraska), is now under new ownership.  I am so grateful for this opportunity and as the months go by, I’m excited to see how the magazine will grow.

The hope is to produce a social magazine for all women; the wives, 
mothers, daughters, grandmothers, granddaughters, sisters, and friends 
in our community.  And to provide opportunities for women poets, 
writers, photographers, and artists.

I would like to give thanks to several of the women in my life for their 
guidance and support in producing the magazine.  My cousin, editor 
extraordinaire, writer, poet, artist, and champion of Words With Friends, Susan Shemitis Goldberg; world’s best sister and writer Kathy Cable; and very dear family friends, writer Marilyn McNabb and artist Linda Center. Without whom, this truly would not have been possible. A special shout-out to Erin Blystone for her help deciding the logo design!

And in loving memory of the three most important women in my life, 
my mother Jean, my grandmother, Marie, and my mother-in-law Beverly. 

And to my husband Kenny for more than 30 years of love and support.

Always free, you’ll find copies throughout the city to pick up and share. 
All my best,

The Source is currently not in publication following the Jan-Feb-March 2021 issue.  Please follow us on Facebook  @lincolnsource .